I Miss Honduras

10 05 2009

Whenever I go back to Honduras the first thing I do is eat a baleada. A baleada is not only the most original and popular food but it is a typical Honduran snack that consists of a flour tortilla, with refried beans, shredded Honduran cheese and mantequilla (our own cream). Other foods I cannot get enough of when I visit home include chicharron (pork) with yucca which are pork rinds with cabbage, red salsa, and pieces of the vegetable yucca, enchiladas which consists of a fried corn tortilla topped with cabbage, tomatoes, ground beef, shredded cheese, slices of boiled eggs, and red salsa.

During weekends home, I enjoy spending the day in the beach. It can either be Cortes (Honduras main sea port and considered the most important sea port in Central America), which is just 30 minutes away from my hometown, or Tela that is 45 minutes away. In Honduras we also have the beautiful island of Roatan. Roatan is the largest of the Honduras Bay Islands and has the second largest coral reef in the world (Australia having the largest). The water is clear and the sand is soft and white but its natural charm is what makes it unique. It is soothing to sit in a hammock, listening to the waves and drinking agua de coco, which is coconut water.        

What I truly miss most from home is family. In Honduran culture family ties are very sacred and spending time with family is what I enjoy most. We often have dinner parties with close family and friends and these gatherings are very lively. Everyone is socializing and sharing funny anecdotes and once dinner is over we finish the night with endless dancing to merengue and punta music which is the music played by what is left of the ethnic group of mixed ancestry that live along the north coast of the country. Garifunas make their own instruments with objects found in the beach. Irreplaceable elements from home such as these are the reason for my special esteem for Honduras that keeps me longing to return.



3 responses

11 05 2009


Cut the first paragraph and start with the second paragraph. See why? You’re generalizing too much in the opening, and using cliches. Jump right into the topic with a direct statement. “Whenever I go back to Honduras…” tells me exactly what you’re about. Loved the details. Didn’t know the reef was so huge. You make me want to gol

27 07 2009

use este article tuyo para una de mis clases jajaja esta bueno!!! 🙂

27 07 2009

use este article tuyo para una de mis clases esta bueno!! 🙂

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